Week 5 MKMMA….the transformation continues……

Am I tall, thin and sing like a lark in the meadow yet? No, but I am seeing differences in my day to day actions. The kind where I say to myself:  “wow that was very nice of you to say”, or “that was a great mom move”. Now I haven’t yet noticed me cleaning like Mary Poppins unintentionally but I am on pins and needles waiting for that in particular. I do seem to be a calmer wife and mom but that’s only my opinion, oh wait I can’t have an opinion unless I am an expert. Am I an expert on me? Isn’t it crazy to think we aren’t experts on ourselves? We aren’t. If we were we would have our subconscious mastered before now.

I began to breeze through Monday without noticing I was giving my opinion but decided I needed reinforcements.  I homeschool 2 of our children ages 8 & 9 (and what do girls love better than ‘helping’ someone) so I enlisted their help. Even though *I feel I gave a great lesson on Fact vs Opinion for class Monday, they didn’t call me out even once for ‘sharing my opinion’. Wait for it, I knew just what to do, ask my husband.

He listened in complete disbelief as I was asking him to correct me, to stop me mid-sentence, to call me out when and if I shared my opinion. I think he shed tears he was laughing so hard. I was asking for correction what?!?!!! “Yes”, I told him. I needed him to help me by pointing out anytime I slipped and began to share my opinion. Anytime?!?!! “Yes”, I told him.

I don’t know what the official ‘tickled to death happy dance‘ looks like but I think it happened in my bedroom Monday night.

With my DMP done, well a few touch ups but other than that done, can I say YAY! YAY! YAY!!!!! I feel it now when I read it, I say it at stoplights, my kids know parts of it, and thank you to my amazingly fabulous guide for her unprecedented patience while I grew through that experience! Or is it even over? I think since it a living document there will always be touch ups needed. I had an amazing thing happen already that is linked to my DMP…what is it you ask….well the CEO of my company messaged me (via Facebook no less) to have a private call. Oh, yes he did! Then after said call he messaged for a follow-up call to discuss more in-depth how he is adding 5 VP positions within my division. What?!?!!! O and he thought it ay be something I’d want to consider. Yes, this happened! Real life, real time it happened. So for more details on these and other exciting changes stay tuned.

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